The Puzzle : ~Words Matter~
Rosalind Foley
Novelist                                                                                                                              Screenplay Writer 
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The Puzzle

by Rosalind Foley on 03/05/15

A long time ago I brought something across the street to the home of a little boy who often played with my children. His mother was gracious and welcoming, proudly showing me around her home. Their house was tidy and almost antiseptically clean, but something I couldn't place about it at the time seemed strange. The experience left me with a mental hangnail. Only later did I realize what was missing. Nowhere in any room had I seen a book, a newspaper or a magazine. It was as if the printing press has never been invented.

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One of my granddaughters is reading the Ray Bradbury classic, Fahrenheiht 451. I hope she gets a chance to see the movie, too. Do you suppose Bradbury imagined when he was writing his books that people would be reading them on an e-reader?

* * * * *

My mother was fond of saying, "You're only poor when you don't know where your next book is coming from." (She also said I shouldn't end a sentence with a preposition.)

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