The Care and Feeding of the Imagination : ~Words Matter~
Rosalind Foley
Novelist                                                                                                                              Screenplay Writer 
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The Care and Feeding of the Imagination

by Rosalind Foley on 06/10/12

Besides  using the magic of "what if. . .?" there are other ways of incubating ideas. If you (heaven forbid) have writer's block or are finding excuses to keep you from your laptop, try one of these: Go to a coffee shop and eavesdrop. Make notes. Your parents told you that's rude, but never mind. Even if you don't get re-charged,  it will help you write dialogue that reads naturally.

Look for the odd thing that sets you thinking.  A New Orleans author is said to have taken inspiration from newspaper "fillers", those sometimes quirky tidbits that complete short columns.

I spotted a stranger two pews in front of me at the campus chapel and knew that's what my character Jacques looked like. In the same inexplicable way, I recognized Jacques' wife Adele at first sight of a George Rodrigue painting on a magazine cover. They have been real to me ever since.

If writing fiction, try getting a jump start by introducing a new character or bringing a minor one to the fore..

Find pictures that remind you of your characters or the setting of your piece and keep them in sight as you write. Make a blueprint of your characters' home, Draw a map of their neighborhood.

Observe. Listen. Be playful. Write.






Comments (1)

1. jess said on 6/24/12 - 11:02AM
Great post. I love listening to people in the booth behind me when we go out to eat. I've recognized characters in friend's books, but I've never seen one of my own characters out walking around. :) Wish I could.

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