Setting the Tone : ~Words Matter~
Rosalind Foley
Novelist                                                                                                                              Screenplay Writer 
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Setting the Tone

by Rosalind Foley on 07/12/13

An aspect of writing I've been mulling lately is tone, which, if not synonymous with voice, is closely related. Maybe voice is WHO is telling the tale and tone is HOW.

A friend is writing a mystery with a sassy female protagonist named Odyssey. Odyssey's Texas twang and folksy speech fairly strum off the page. You know from the first words to expect something light and fun. 

Tone can be playful, even flippant, or somber. It can be slangy or formal, personal or aloof. It's your emotional introduction into the world the author is creating for you. Next time you start a book, notice how the tone is set.

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