A Plaint : ~Words Matter~
Rosalind Foley
Novelist                                                                                                                              Screenplay Writer 
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A Plaint

by Rosalind Foley on 05/03/13

Ordinarily, I'm an optimist, but I confess to near despair for the English language.

It isn't bad enough that a generation starts sentences with "Me and"or misuses "lie" and "lay." Never mind that "them" has replaced "those" in front of "things." The final blow to correct usage may have come from the proliferation of texting.

I really try to keep up with the trends and times, but seeing "how r u?" on the screen of my cellphone gave me verbal indigestion.  What next?

Comments (2)

1. Rachel said on 5/6/13 - 06:17AM
LOL! By the way, "LOL" is short for "laughing out loud" and not "lots of love". I recall someone that after reading of the death of someone, used LOL to express their sympathy!
2. Annette said on 7/5/13 - 02:09PM
The one that I cannot tolerate is the use of "there" for "they're".

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